22.01.2015 11:23

With the purpose of the fulfillment of requirements on the effective industry collective labor dispute which made provision for the following actions at all enterprises which are in the scope of the Ministry of Power and Coal-mining industry of Ukraine management, the coal-mining industry of Ukraine the employees demand as follows:

  • Ensure hundred-per-cent payment of current wage to the employees in time that is provided for by the collective agreements, branch agreement and legislation.
  • Repay debts on wages in full volume.
  • Establish base wage rates calculated and estimated from the established minimum wage increased in factors adopted by the Branch agreement and legislation.
  • Provide formation of required salaries fund.
  • Supply coal for everyday necessities of the mining (coal processing) employees and mines building companies in accordance with article 43 of the Mining Law of Ukraine and also debt service payment on domestic fuel that created during the previous years.   

1. Make changes in the Law of Ukraine “On the State Budget of Ukraine in 2015” making provisions for the following charges: 
1.1. State support for mining enterprises for the partial repayment of charges at prime cost of the final coal products – 4,300,000.00 million UAH.
1.2. State support for the construction of coal and peat mining enterprises, technical modification of indicated companies – 1,200,000.00 million UAH.
1.3. Rescue measures of mining companies – 434,000,000.00 million UAH.
1.4. Occupational safety and health at mining companies – 65,000,000.00 million UAH.
1.5. Transfer of social infrastructure objects from the mining enterprises accounts to the municipal property – 159,100,000.00 million UAH.

2. Make changes in other legislative acts with the purpose of restoration of operation of social guarantees for employees and pensioners which were effective as of 1 December 2014, and also removal of a moratorium on social standards and ensuring of the wage adjustment for the inflation level. 

3. Ensure timely payment settlements at the Power Market and repayment of debts for consumed coal products and power supplied for all mining enterprises of all forms of property.