RESOLUTION XV-th Dnepropetrovsk Territorial Union Organization of coal-miming industry of Ukraine (PRUP) report-and-election conference ПечатьE-mail
13.02.2015 11:26

XV-th Dnepropetrovsk Territorial Union Organization of coal-miming industry of Ukraine (PRUP) report-and-election conference



23 January 2015                              PAVLOGRAD                               outgoing No.1-1

Arseniy Yatsenuk, the Prime Minister of Ukraine, demanded to fulfill mine-workers requirements! ПечатьE-mail
05.02.2015 13:17

As a result of the meeting held by Mr. Yatsenuk with the representatives of mining unions, on 28 January 2015 he charged a mission to his Ministers where Mr. V.V. Demchyshyn was the first in the list. The document takes into account all demands made by mine-workers of Western Donbas and PRUP Unions regarding payments to power market for consumed power and debts refunding during the protest actions in Kiev.

S T A T E M E N T of Dnepropetrovsk Territorial Union Organization of coal-miming industry of Ukraine released to mass media ПечатьE-mail
05.02.2015 12:32

Mr. Vladimir Demchyshyn, the Minister of power and mining industry of Ukraine, has stood a very nonconstructive and insulting position in relations with mine-workers and mining unions. It is confirmed by his words that private companies supposedly use the protest actions of coal-miners to bring their pressure to the Ministry. Hundreds of mine-workers, came to Kiev, were extremely outraged by those words which in fact were about venality and lack of initiative of mine-workers and their unions.

A D D R E S S to Mr. A.V. Martovitsky and D.A. Yarosh ПечатьE-mail
04.02.2015 10:36

Union of Coal-Mining Industry Employees of Ukraine

Dnepropetrovsk Territorial Union Organization of Mine-Workers



to Mr. A.V. Martovitsky and D.A. Yarosh, people’s deputies of Ukraine from Dnepropetrovsk Teritorial Union Organization of mining industry of Ukraine 


DearMr. Martovitsky!

Dear Mr. Yarosh!

Situation in the energy sector of Ukraine ПечатьE-mail
02.02.2015 14:01

Dnepropetrovsk Territorial Union Organization of coal-miming industry of Ukraine is notifying of situation in the energy sector of Ukraine which the stable work of Western Donbas mines depends upon.


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