III Congress of Mineworkers of Ukraine ПечатьE-mail
09.04.2015 09:19

In accordance with the decision made by the Plenary Meeting of the central Committee of the Ukrainian Coal Union and Presidium of National Union of Mineworkers of Ukraine (dated 2 April 2015 in Kiev) and the Meeting Minutes Resolution (of 7 April 2015, Kiev) regarding preparation and holding the Congress, III Congress of Mineworkers of Ukraine will be held on 21-22 April, 2015 in Kiev with the agenda «On the emergency situation in the coal mining industry of Ukraine».

Mining industry of Ukraine can stop its existence ПечатьE-mail
06.04.2015 08:23

Mining industry of Ukraine, in the state in which it worked a year ago, can stop its existence, – considers Mr. Maksim Tymchenko, DTEK Director General.

«Don’t allow destroying a coal and power complex of Ukraine!» - mine-workers stated about it openly ПечатьE-mail
23.03.2015 08:26

On 2 - 3 March 2015, for the second time this year Ukrainian mine-workers participated in the protest action in Kiev. The decision to picket Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine was made on 17 February 2015 at the IIIrd Plenary Meeting of the Central Committee of mining industry employees which consolidates all big enterprises of mining industry of the country. It was also decided to express the lack of confidence to Mr. V. Demchyshyn, the Ministry of mining and power industry of Ukraine. Inter-departmental committee set up by the Prime Minister direction was sitting and reviewing the protest action results held on 28-29 January for a month. The memorandum document was the meeting summary which was not signed by the Unions leaders as this document did not contain the definite solutions on the overcoming of crisis at the mining industry.

Anti-Bribery Committee is watching over the progress of investigation on the case of Mr. Demchyshyn’s contracts ПечатьE-mail
10.03.2015 09:45

Anti-Bribery Committee of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has taken under its control an investigation on a case of contracts for power supply from Russia to Ukraine which were signed by “UkrInterEnergo” and Russian “RAO Inter”. It was stated by Victor Chumak, a member of the committee from a faction of "Peter Poroshenko Block".

32 mine-workers died at “Zasyadko’s” mine on 4 March 2015 ПечатьE-mail
06.03.2015 14:05

As a result of accident happened at “Zasyadko’s” mine in Donetsk on Wednesday 32 mine workers died.  That is specified data received from Territorial Management of State Occupational Safety Administration in Donetsk region as of 07:00 on Thursday.  The disaster Response efforts are still being performed so given quantity can be updated. 14 bodies were lifted to the surface seven of which were identified.


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